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Benefits of Exercise and Nutrition to Fight Alzheimerʻs Disease

Research Sources

Source: Alzheimer’s Study Group. A National Strategic Alzheimer’s Plan. The Report of the Alzheimer’s Study Group (March 2009). Alzheimer’s Association. “Changing the Trajectory of Alzheimer’s Disease: A National Imperative” (May 2010). National Institute of Health Office of the Budget Website.

Source: Myles Dias, Host and co-producer, Greg Socito co-producer/camera “Future of Senior Fitness” (2016 – 2018). O'lelo Community Media.

Source:  Mark Kelly, PhD CEO & Exercise Physiologist, Principle Centered Health  Adjunct Faculty, Irvine Valley College; Santa Ana College MedFit Educational Foundation Webinar “Using Exercise and Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s”

Source:  Mr PTS, Elizabeth Millard; Men’s Health Magazine: “6 Ways Your Brian Benefits When Your Body’s In Great Shape.” June 7, 2017

Source: Ribeiro, F. & Oliveira, J. Eur Rev Aging Phys Act (2007)
4: 71. “Aging effects on joint     
proprioception: the role of physical activity in proprioception preservation”

Source: H. Choi et al., “Combined Adult Neurogenesis and BDNF mimic    exercise effects on cognition in an Alzheimer’s mouse model,” Science,
361:eaan8821, 2018.

Source:, “Alzheimer’s in the Aging U.S. Population”

Source: Alexandra Sifferlin, “Mind Your Reps: Exercise, Especially Weight Lifting,  
Helps Keep the Brain Sharp”
, July 16, 2012

Source: Andrea Salzman, “Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity – Creating New Neural
, August 13, 2017

Source: Naiara Demnitz,1,2 Enikő Zsoldos,1 Abda Mahmood,1 Clare E. Mackay,3
Mika Kivimäki,3 Archana Singh-Manoux,3 Helen Dawes,4 Heidi Johansen-Berg,2
Klaus P. Ebmeier,1 and Claire E. Sexton2,* “Associations between Mobility, Cognition, and Brain Structure in Healthy Older Adults” Published online 2017 May 23. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00155 PMCID: PMC5440513 PMID: 28588477

Source: https://training.alz.org_ga=2.165183099.513525061.1553307330-708121970.1524606289; Training and Education Center

Source: Christopher Bergland, Psychology Today “How Does Neuroplasticity and      
Neurogenesis Rewire Your Brain”
, February 6, 2017


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